about us

welticreativ means advanced creativity and the best quality supplied with enthusiasm and motivation. We firmly believe in the future of Sewing and Craft.

We were founded in 1867 and carry on a tradition that has been handed down through our family in 5th generation now. This has given us continuity and unrivalled experience in the sector.

We offer the maximum number of potential purchases within this compact infrastructure, all supported by an efficient computer system using state of the art programs.

We have 20 employees who, between them, care for our customers, and manage the 44,000 articles in our IT systems of which are thread 14,000, buttons 9,000, zippers 7'700, ribbons 6'000 etc..

We source our products globally from over a hundred manufacturers. Our motto is: "Everything from one source" means it is much easier and cheaper to buy from welticreativ: customers can find what they need with very little effort, and with great confidence.

We offer a wide range of products for retailers of sewing accessories, fabrics, fashions, and yarns, plus craft items and articles for smaller manufacturers. Efficient ordering in the catalog webshop with customer login. Comprehensive digital catalog with thousands of photos and clear structuring. In addition, scanner orders can be sent to us in the webshop. Thus, we are there for you 7 days a week and 365 days a year..

We are No.1 for haberdashery retail supplies in Switzerland
We are No.1 to do business with

- Highly specialised
- High service levels
- Highest quality
- level of continuity

from the horse cart to the internet

Part of a speech by the CEO in 1942:

In the beginning we ran our business from the Lion building in Market Street. Working hours were from 7am in the morning until at least 7 pm at night. Workdays were from Monday to Saturday and also Sunday morning from 8am to 12 noon. There were hardly ever any holidays, maybe one or two days a year.

First of all, goods were transported by horse and cart to the customer, then later by train, and in recent years we have used the company's own cars.

In the past, our warehouse was very different. Besides small haberdashery products and yarns, we sold housewares. Paper collars were especially popular, and many were sold by the truckload! There were also slippers, knitting accessories, chains, watches, spoons, knives, forks, glasses, razors, milking stools and many other items.

After 1900, the French-speaking part of Switzerland emerged as a new market for the company. In 1915, the building at Market Street became too small for us, so we moved to the current property Konradstrasse 5, in Winterthur. The splendid Villa Mathilde was transformed into beautiful, light, modern business premises without equal anywhere else in Switzerland.

From 1930 onwards, as a result of Dr. Welti's insights into the business, his initiative, foresight and decisiveness, company Welti & Co. became highly respected throughout Switzerland, and developed into what it is today.

We can now look back with satisfaction and pride at what the company has become. That small sapling which was first planted in 1867 has now grown into a thriving tree.

- Our company, Welti, was founded in 1867
- There have been 5 generations of the Welti familyin the business
- 1st generation: Hans-Ulrich Welti-Meyer
- 2nd generation: Ernst Welti-Bruggmann
-3rdgeneration: Dr. Richard Welti-Stoffel
- 4th generation: Danielle Becvarik-Welti
- 5th generation: Roman Becvarik